Aviation Handling
Aviation handling, also known as ground handling, refers to the wide range of services provided to facilitate an aircraft flight or aircraft ground repositioning, preparation for and upon conclusion of a flight which will include both customer service and ramp service functions.
Services includes:
1. Aircraft marshalling: Guiding the aircraft to its parking stand using hand signals or batons.
2. Baggage handling: Loading and unloading of passenger baggage.
3. Passenger check-in and boarding: Assisting passengers with check-in procedures and boarding the aircraft.
4. Aircraft servicing: Refueling, cleaning, and maintenance.
5. Catering: Loading meals and beverages for passengers.
6. Cargo handling: Loading and unloading of cargo.
7. Ramp services: Includes all services around the aircraft during its time on the ground.
These services collectively ensure that flights run on time and passengers have a smooth journey.